Batman begins...
"The tale finds the disillusioned industrial heir Bruce Wayne, in the wake of his parents' murder, traveling the world to seek the means to fight injustice and turn fear against those who prey on the fearful. He returns to Gotham and unveils his alter-ego: Batman, a masked crusader who uses his strength, intellect and an array of high tech deceptions to fight the sinister forces that threaten the city."
I will be going today to go see this movie, when I get back I'll be sure to post some comments on my thoughts...
Well that was a bust, my car had a problem and I was not able to make it to the theatre, maybe tomorow... lol
So I went to see the movie... finally... I tought it was very good, damm good... I mean, others "batman" we're very "comic" oriented, as for this this one was totally more adult oriented...
I also went to see Fantastic4", oh my god, so disapointed, on the contrary to the latter movie, this one went all the way to "comic"... it was like reading a comic at the movies... GEEZ... i will give it a 3 out of 5... and to Batman Begins i will give a 4.5 out of 4.6... lol
I will be going today to go see this movie, when I get back I'll be sure to post some comments on my thoughts...
Well that was a bust, my car had a problem and I was not able to make it to the theatre, maybe tomorow... lol
So I went to see the movie... finally... I tought it was very good, damm good... I mean, others "batman" we're very "comic" oriented, as for this this one was totally more adult oriented...
I also went to see Fantastic4", oh my god, so disapointed, on the contrary to the latter movie, this one went all the way to "comic"... it was like reading a comic at the movies... GEEZ... i will give it a 3 out of 5... and to Batman Begins i will give a 4.5 out of 4.6... lol
1 ComentÁRIOs:
Good... now you can go and see it the same time I do. Then we can converse about it like adults. Sorry about your misfortune... but under every rock there is a _______.
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