Batman begins...

I will be going today to go see this movie, when I get back I'll be sure to post some comments on my thoughts...
Well that was a bust, my car had a problem and I was not able to make it to the theatre, maybe tomorow... lol
So I went to see the movie... finally... I tought it was very good, damm good... I mean, others "batman" we're very "comic" oriented, as for this this one was totally more adult oriented...
I also went to see Fantastic4", oh my god, so disapointed, on the contrary to the latter movie, this one went all the way to "comic"... it was like reading a comic at the movies... GEEZ... i will give it a 3 out of 5... and to Batman Begins i will give a 4.5 out of 4.6... lol
1 ComentÁRIOs:
Good... now you can go and see it the same time I do. Then we can converse about it like adults. Sorry about your misfortune... but under every rock there is a _______.
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