If you have an unhealthy addiction to the snooze button on your alarm clock, you may appreciate the latest invention from MIT's Media Lab. Clocky is an alarm with an ingenious method for rousing even the most dedicated morning dozer. After you hit the snooze button, the contraption rolls off the bedside table and zooms away on a set of wheels to some other part of the room, finding a new hiding place every day. When the alarm sounds again, simply finding Clocky ought to be strenuous enough to prevent even the doziest owner from going back to sleep.
From issue 2492 of New Scientist magazine, 26 March 2005, page 26 http://www.newscientist.com/channel/mech-tech/mg18524926.500
This is funny!!!!
2 ComentÁRIOs:
Hahahaha... that sounds like something I need. But I bet after the second day I would break it. I rather have someone or something else wake me up...
hummm, I totally agree, I would so find it, take it outside, grab a hammer, swing a couple of hundred times, only hit it about 5 times (poor aim with a hammer), grab whatever would be left, take it to the beach and give it a proper burial at sea... only to find that I was dreaming and it was now more than time to get up because I was late for work; apparently my alarm clock had just ran away with the toaster... Toaster if you read this, come home baby, daddy forgives you...
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