quarta-feira, setembro 28, 2005

back home.....

Dont feel alot like posting just to tell ya I made it home....

2 ComentÁRIOs:

Blogger Jinx Disse...

Hey babe... Nice pic Home Sweet Home!
Glad you made it safe! It's even better that you are still breathing. Sucks that you are further away...
Hope everything works out.

Miss you.

10/05/2005 2:13 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo Disse...

My beloved Brother...
While I know that you are happy to be home with your baby girl, I just thought that I would drop you a note to say the Florida isn't the same without you. I miss you very much and love you even more!

Your Sister,


3/06/2006 5:41 da tarde  

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